We believe that our books and DVDs are the finest way of understanding a much better way to strike a golf ball. We are so confident that you will improve through the understanding of our concept, that we offer a no-nonsense guarantee on any of our products purchased new through the web site.
We guarantee that if you do not see a marked improvement in your ability to hit the ball within 30 days, we will refund your money, minus a 15% restocking fee and the shipping cost. Due to the nature of our products, we must ask that they be in excellent, resellable condition. This means that the DVDs must not be warped, cracked, or scratched. They must not have finger marks or any other soil on them. They must play on our equipment. The books must not have dirty or torn pages, broken bindings, or notes in them, etc.
Should you want to return products in the above condition, we will, in most cases, buy the items back from you at up to 40% of what you paid, depending on condition, and resell them as used. We will never sell any returned products as new, even those in pristine condition since they are no longer new.
This guarantee is in effect immediately and will apply to all new item orders received from the date of posting this page. Should you seek a refund, you must contact us within 30 days of our receipt of your order to receive instructions on where to ship your return (do not ship the return until we contact you).
We will inspect your return and quickly send you your refund.
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