The 21st. Century Golf Swing Creates Champions The Formula for Power and Accuracy Series 1 DVD #20
Item Weight & Dimensions
3 ounces, 2in x 4in x 7in
16 ounces, 5in x 4in x 7in
Series 1 DVD #20 Dan Shauger Master Distance to the Golf Ball and the Bad way of doing it: Exp. Dan Student Philip what he Learn: Exp. Talk about Book’s: Exp. Dan show how to do Clock in are New Golf Swing: Exp. Talk about Mr. Hogan Plane Flat Out work: Exp. Left Shoulder how Work: Exp. Shift Weight with the Body: Exp. Change your Concept: Exp. Talk about Austin: Exp. Dan Student in Slow Motion: Exp. TalK two Orbits with Little Club: Exp. How Hands work in Swing: Exp. Dan & Rod how Elbow work in Swing: Exp. Talk about A Perfect Swing: Exp. Damage the knee & Spine by Lock your Body: Exp. Dan Student in Slow Motion, How to Hit the Golf Club Down to the Ground, but Before Hit the Ground the Heels Turn you: Exp. DOWN, UNDER & UP.
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