Once the swing is learned 2 things build further distance, #1 is strength, the muscles will get stronger simply by doing it. #2 is speed, this comes from the strength you gain and the “trust” you must get to let the swing freewheel. Gaining strength quickly can be done by either hitting a ton of balls, or excercise.
A great excercise is to wring out a sopping wet bath towel until it is totally dry several times each time reversing the wringing motion so that the hands and forearms are worked in both directions. Another is to swing a weighted club, while swinging a weighted club gradually add weight and gradually build speed while being sure to maintain form. The best weighted club is one that you make yourself by adding fishing sinkers, or other heavy items,to the club head using duct tape to secure them. I ended up with just a large lock that I clamped on the shaft. It is important to wrap some duct tape around the item an the shaft as well, this prevents the weight from pulling the club head off and causing injury or damage.
Scoring however is about thinking, shot selection, execution and feel. These things are separate from the golf swing and are the reasons why a good swing does not necessarily create a good score. However having one does make it a lot easier to get one.

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