To get the truly majestic and perfectly controlled shots that this swing has to offer it is essential to fully release the club head through impact. I can’t tell you how many times I heard Mike Austin repeat the words \”let the pendulum swing\”. He was referring to letting the club swing freely from the wrist axles as the club went down under and up. When it released this way the entire energy of the swinging club head was released into the ball.
In this, or any other, method of swinging the club (I have tried them all) the club heads swing will be inhibited if the hands or wrists tighten up. When we consider the swinging of the club to be a pendulum type motion it is important to remember that a pendulum swings back up as well as down.
A hit and hold type of action may work okay for some type of pitch or intentional block fades, but it is no bueno for producing solid and powerfully hit shots.
There is a tremendous amount of power stored in the club head as it travels into the ball, but to release it there must be motion, it cannot stop when it gets in line with the left arm. When the club head does not pass the point of the arm shoulder triangle the club head dramatically slows down. When the clubhead is not allowed to swing freely from the wrists the player by stopping the swing sends the energy insted into himself. The energy that should have been sent into the ball in effect goes right back up the players left arm either causing a loss of balance or possibly a sore left wrist or elbow. The player is in effect hitting himself.
Having said all of that, I must add that the most efficient way to attain this release is to allow the club to swing in a cone, this cone is clearly described in both books and tutorial 1. The toe of the club on the wall drill is a must to make use of this truly dynamic motion.

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