The application of power to the ball is a combination of the acceleration of the entire club combined with the free swing of the club in a pendulum like manner through impact. To this end the club must be assisted by centrifugal force and gravity and must not be solely moving due to muscular effort.
As the spine slides laterally the left arm begins its descent down the return path to the ball, the right triceps and deltoids begin to slowly straighten to return the right side of the arm shoulder triangle to straight. The right wrist however should not be flapping forward during this time, it should be held while the forearm bones rotate as the twirl starts. The final release of energy will uncock the right wrist with a heavy assist from centrifugal force and gravity.
The entire action should feel slow and the arms must travel with the rotating chest not faster than it. The speed of the club head will be anything but slow. Amazing force will be transmitted simply by letting the last lever in the chain (the club) swing freely from the unhinging wrists. The right wrist will still have some of its cock at impact, the left wrist should have a very slight bow ala Hogan. Shortly after impact when the club head has travelled about 30 degrees the reverse of these wrist positions will be seen. There should be no feeling of forearm rotation from when the hands are near the right hip until they pass the left hip. This swing does not need or want supination of the left hand. Instead the right inner forearm should almost touch the base of the left thumb as the right hand release moves in a throwing fashion.
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